Tuesday, 4 August 2015

How To Fix Eclipse Error - Java was started but returned exit code 13

Some times after installing sdk or new plugins to eclipse we will face the issue like

Java was started but returned exit code 13 message with dialog and we can't able to open eclipse

Resolve this issue by followed by below points:

1)open eclipse folder where your using eclipse

2)check for "eclipse.ini" file in the same folder

example path:

D:\Surya Android\eclipse-java-indigo-SR1-win32\eclipse here is eclipse is root folder

and check for eclipse.ini file

Right click and chose edit option

and now you can see the file like the below format:


at the end of the line just paste below 2 lines of text
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/javaw.exe

And now save the file and restart the eclipse now eclipse will work fine.

Android SQLite Database Viewer or Debuging with Stetho

Every Android Developer uses SQLite Database to store data into the Android Application data. But to view the data in SQLite have a lot of...